Choosing Ideas for the Best Staycation with Kids

Planning the Perfect Staycation: From Toronto to Montreal with Kids in Tow

There’s something genuinely exciting about planning a staycation. It’s like uncovering hidden treasures in your own backyard, and when you’re a single mom with two bright-eyed kids, these little adventures become priceless. The latest mission? A mini road trip! We were looking for some of the best places such as New York City but had to make sure they were not so close but not too far from Toronto and the consensus from the kids was Montreal – a perfect blend of convenience, discovery, and, of course, a bit of humor knowing the three of us. This may be such a perfect weekend getaway.

The Great Debate: Airbnb or Hotel?

Our living room pretty much turns into mission control when we start talking about this journey. The first big decision? Where to stay. There are so many options when you think about hotel stays but how do I pick the right hotel? There are drawbacks to those and it’s not a homely type feel such as an Airbnb. “How about an Airbnb like we went to before?” my daughter mused. Meanwhile, my son apparently was dreaming of a boutique hotel with room service – “Can we order ice cream at midnight, Mom?” The joy of planning with kids – it’s unpredictable and, frankly, I fucking love it. I also have to sit back sometimes when they say some things because it seems as though not long ago, my son struggled to say a full sentence and now he’s taking my conversations from the past and telling me he wants to do them. It makes my hear sing.

Involving the Kids: A Lesson in Decision-Making

Involving my kids in travel plans is not just a way to keep them engaged; it’s a lesson in decision-making. We pored over different options for overnight stays, comparing the pros and cons. Each suggestion was met with excitement and then I’d throw a dash of realism – “Do you see the price!?” I ask. “But does it have Wi-Fi?” they’d ask, and I couldn’t help but chuckle. They understand the cost of things and when I remind them of it, they are usually pretty quick to flip the switch back to how much mom can spend.

Local Attractions: More than Just Sightseeing

Our agenda for Montreal was filling up quickly because the kids were super excited. “What about that local museum?” Kinsley suggested. To be honest, I had no idea there was a museum. Last time I went to Montreal, it was full of bar hopping and eating poutine. But the best thing about staycations like this is the easy access to new experiences. No plane ticket needed, no jet lag, just a car ride, and an eagerness to explore.

We planned to hit some local parks, perfect places for a long weekend of unwinding and laughter. “Can we do a scavenger hunt in the park?” Kylan asked. Of course, we could. I mean, it’s not the summer season so it may be a bit cold, but the whole point of me changing life and living it more is because I wouldn’t do a lot of things before. So, it’s got to change. Somehow we will figure out how to do a scavenger hunt and a park is a great place to do one. Discovering the local community, learning new things, and maybe picking up a few new skills along the way – that’s also the beauty of a staycation.

Food Galore: Diving into Local Restaurants

Food is a big part of any vacation, even if it’s just a few hours away in your own province. We made a list of local restaurants to try – from quaint cafes (my choice) to family-friendly diners – anywhere that has pizza and fries, the kids will enjoy. “I want to try poutine!” exclaimed Kinsley. Ah, the joys of introducing the kids to the culinary delights of Montreal.

Activities Galore: From Ice Skating to Movie Nights

Our itinerary is a mix of historical exploration and kid-friendly fun. We looked up a local spa with indoor pools – a great way for the kids to splash around while I relaxed (or tried to). And ice skating? It was unanimously voted as a must-do but with this weather, I’m not sure the ice will be able to form. Fingers crossed. It will be fun for the whole family if that pans out.

Evenings were reserved for movie nights – a tradition in our little family when it comes to vacations. Whether it’s in a hotel room or an Airbnb living room, these moments are precious. Board games, popcorn, and lots of laughs – the perfect end to each day of our adventure.

Reflections: The Joy of Staycations

As I sit here, planning this trip, I’m reminded of the simple joys life offers. Traditional vacations have their charm and I am super excited for my upcoming vacation to Mexico with my BESTIE, but there’s something uniquely satisfying about exploring your own town and its neighbours. It’s about breaking the daily routine, trying different times, and embracing new experiences with little effort.

Supporting Local: Beyond Just a Trip

This trip is also about supporting the local economy, something that’s become increasingly important to me. I mean, yes, I do love Walmart but I’ve recently started seeing that there’s some pretty awesome local finds! And I want to find more. By staying at a local hotel or Airbnb, dining at local restaurants, and visiting local attractions, we’re contributing in our small way.

Anticipation: The Best Part of Travel

The anticipation of this trip is almost as exciting as the trip itself. We’re counting days, discussing our travel plans, and talking about all of the fun things we’ll do. It’s not just about the destination; it’s about the journey, the planning, and the shared excitement. I am so excited to do this.

So, here’s to our upcoming road trip, to the adventures that await us in Montreal, and to the memories we’ll create. It’s these moments – planning a staycation, laughing over a silly game, or just being together – that really make life worth living. Here’s to living our best life, one staycation at a time!


  • Shelley

    November 22, 2023 at 11:03 am

    Do tell us where you will be staying. I’ve been wanting to take a trip like this with my kids and I may follow suit if you find it’s worth it! 😀

    1. thatloalifewithchristine

      November 27, 2023 at 7:12 pm

      Once I figure that out, I definitely will share that info!

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