8 Simple & Fun Tips for More Happiness at Work

I never thought I would always be wanting more happiness at work. I always thought I’d be chained to my desk at the bank forever, playing tech guru and welcoming newbies. After 14 long years, my excitement level was about as high as my last dead-end date. I mean, how many times can you reboot a computer before you start dreaming of rebooting your life, right? But where to go with a resume that screams “I love IT” when, in reality, I’d rather watch paint dry?

Then, out of nowhere, the Universe, probably tired of hearing me whine, tossed me a new gig. It was a great idea that promised a positive impact on my career. It was like winning a golden ticket, except instead of a chocolate factory, it was an office with killer coffee. Fast forward two years, and the thrill was gone. The job had me feeling like a robot set on auto-pilot. I wanted more. I craved that spark, that fire-in-the-belly feeling. So, I wished upon a star, or rather, grumbled to the Universe about finding a role with a sense of fulfillment.

Then, boom! COVID hit. Suddenly, I’m working in my yoga pants (score!), but the new role I was itching for, one that promised a healthy work-life balance, got shelved faster than last season’s fashion. Just when I thought I was destined to become part of the furniture, the Universe slid into my DMs with a recruiter’s call. New job, more dough – it was like hitting the jackpot without buying a ticket! Wahoo! Maybe I’ll find more happiness at work with this job!

Fast forward again. Two years later, and déjà vu. The new job lost its shine, despite my hard work and important role in the company. I found myself daydreaming on a trail, asking the Universe for a sign, or a job, or both. And what do you know? Two months later, the cosmic forces delivered yet again – I got the boot, but in a good way. This time, I had a mission: enjoy summer with my kiddos, focusing on good relationships and my personal life, and find a job that aligns with the concept of happiness.

The summer was ticking away, and just as my bank account started to give me side-eye, a recruiter called. This new job was like the universe’s way of saying, “You got this, girl.” It was perfect – right up my alley and with a paycheck that didn’t make me cry. It seemed to be one of the best ways to achieve the elusive work-life balance I’d been seeking. More happiness at work was on the horizon!

But wait, there’s more! Fast forward to now, and guess what? Another re-org, another moment of “What now?”, but this time, I decided to let the Universe take the wheel. And wouldn’t you know it, this re-org was like a backstage pass to exactly what I wanted. A happier workplace, rich in employee engagement and positive attitudes.

Here’s the real kicker, though: I’ve realized my job is just that – a job. It doesn’t define me or my worth. It’s not the secret sauce to my happiness. That, my friends, comes from within, from embracing the science of happiness in both our professional and personal lives. It’s in the laughter, the impromptu road trips, the joy of just being, and not letting unhappy employees or unhappy workers dampen our spirits.

When I take a look back at the things I have done in my jobs when they no long spark joy, not being able to bring me more happiness at work, there are few things I have done are noted below. These things have really helped with getting my mind in that mindset of appreciation, stepping back and not pushing against what I don’t what. Because I know that in the past when it came time to make a move, I wash pushing back from what I wanted by going out and trying to make something else happen. So if you find yourself in a slump, take a bit to find out what it is that you want next and when you define that, let it go and possibly take some of the steps I have take over the years to help me forget about the slump and get into the feeling of joy and appreciation.

  • Starting a Positivity Journal
    • I began keeping a little journal in my phone – it’s called “Notes”. It’s nothing fancy but each day, I write down at least one positive thing that happened at work. Some days it’s a struggle, but there’s always something – even if it’s just “Survived another meeting without dozing off.” 😅 This tiny act shifts my focus and surprisingly, brings a smile to my day. And to be honest, I’ve done this a lot going forward – it’s not just about work, it’s not about what I see around me. I don’t even have to write them down anymore. I’ve done it so much that when I see something, I recognize it, I take a moment to appreciate it and move on; works wonders!
  • Personal Development Goals
    • Since I’m a bit of a self-improvement junkie (aren’t we all?), I decided to set some personal development goals related to me first. Once I took that time for me, I would then start to look at a goal that either related to my job or something I thought I would maybe look forward to doing in another position. I’ve been working on my Excel skills (hello, LinkedIn Learning!) and practicing my public speaking with the office walls (we no plants). It’s actually kind of fun, and seeing myself improve is pretty satisfying. Mind you, I will never do public speaking so it’s somewhat of a useless skill. 
  • Building a Work Family (If You Like People)
    • Let’s face it, work friends can make even the dullest job bearable. I started working in the kitchens so I could catch people coming to grab a coffee. Sorry, can’t get by me without talking now! Also, organizing little coffee breaks can work wonders! These small connections make a world of difference. It’s like having a work family, and suddenly, the days don’t seem so long or boring.
  • Mindfulness and Stress Relief
    • I am on a 365 day meditation jourbey and let me tell you, I think that is the thing that has likely made the biggest difference in literally every aspect of my life. If I wake up late one morning, I will book a meeting room in the office, face away from the door, have my laptop in front of me (so it looks like I am working) and close my eyes for 10 – 15mins. Sometimes it’s just deep breathing exercises, other times a quick walk outside – ever heard of walking meditations?. It’s amazing how a little fresh air and a moment of peace can recharge your batteries.
  • Gamifying Work Tasks
    • I turned some of my more tedious tasks into a game. I challenge myself to complete them in record time or with a new twist. Last week, I made a mini-competition with myself on invoice submissions – and won, obviously. 🏆
  • Seeking Feedback and Celebrating Small Wins
    • I started asking for more feedback on my work, and it’s been eye-opening. Each piece of feedback is a chance to grow. And every small win – even clearing out my inbox – is a reason to celebrate.
  • Redefining My Role
    • This one’s a bit tricky but worth it. I had a chat with my manager, not long ago, about tweaking my responsibilities to include things I’m more passionate about. However, since we now have a re-org, I have to wait for the new manager to come in. BUT things look promising with that re-org.
  • Planning for the Future
    • And lastly, I’m using this quiet time as a stepping stone. I’ve been sprucing up my LinkedIn profile and networking. Who knew that having the same last name in a large company would maybe help me find a long lost cousin I never knew I had! Seriously, we’re about to have coffee in the coming week. And who knows, maybe they will have something that might work better for me in my career. It’s all about setting the stage for the next big opportunity.

So there you have it – my little roadmap to injecting some joy into a less-than-joyful job until it becomes more joyful or until you find something else that makes your heart sing. 

When it comes to work, let’s talk about what really matters: mental health, workplace happiness, and all that jazz. A happy workplace isn’t just about a good job description; it’s about positive relationships, a sense of purpose, and feeling like you’re part of a team (which often I didn’t even feel like I was one of the team members). It is about employee happiness, job satisfaction, and that elusive work-life balance. As well as about wellness programs, remote work, and building a company culture that doesn’t suck the life out of you. You want to feel positive emotions in your job, not dread.

The science of and the importance of happiness is clear: happy people do great work. They’re more engaged, more productive, and let’s face it, just nicer to be around. Levels of happiness rise! Employers, take note: investing in your team’s happiness isn’t just a nice idea; it’s a game-changer. Happy employees mean a healthier, more successful company. It’s time to embrace new opportunities, learn new skills, and create a workplace culture that values happiness as much as the bottom line.

In the end, it’s all about finding that sweet spot – a job that challenges you but also gives you room to breathe. A place where you can grow, learn, and maybe even find your higher purpose. So, here’s to new beginnings, to learning to let go and trust the process, and to finding that dream job that makes your heart sing (or at least doesn’t make you want to hit the snooze button a million times).

Remember, folks, life’s too short for boring jobs and bad coffee. Work is NOT about working hard – you don’t need to struggle. If work happiness is something that is important to you like it is important to most, focus on those things that you enjoy about the job. Let’s make work a place where we can all thrive, laugh, and maybe even shed a happy tear or two. Here’s to creating a happier, healthier work world – one where we can all say, “I love my job,” and actually mean it.

Cheers to that! 🥂

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