Why I love the Power of Intuition

It’s been around five months of almost daily meditation and the thing I have noticed most that has increased/improved is my intuition. That niggling feeling in the pit of your stomach that tells you something isn’t right, even when logic says otherwise. Or that sudden flash of insight that guides you towards the perfect decision, almost without thinking.

This, my friends, is intuition, our inner compass navigating the complexities of life. We have all had an intuitive experience whether we know it or not. I remember my first really strong gut feeling – I will never forget it. Before I get into all the fun stuff that I have learned about intuition, I have to tell you the story! Actually, maybe it’s better if you watch the video on TikTok located here!

Over the years of learning more about intuition, has helped me a lot in knowing when things are coming, what direction I should go and if I should or should not do something. However, no matter how great my intuition has become, I still find myself falling back into the “second guessing” that instinct. It’s somewhat like even though my gut usually doesn’t steer me wrong, my ego or something else overpowers it and I don’t listen to it, regretting it later.

While I sit and think back about big things that have happened in my life, and how the use of intuition has helped me, I sometimes sit with my jaw dropped to the floor. If I had not listened to it, where would I be right now? Probably not in a good place – but maybe better? I can only say that from what I remember, if I had not followed my intuition on a few areas of my life, I may not be alive at this moment but if I was, I would have a great deal of trauma.

With that said, learning about intuition has been pretty fascinating and as I continue to do more research into it (not doctoral level research, of course), I continue to be more fascinated by how awesome your intuition really is and if you lean into it and stop overthinking, life can likely be pretty damn awesome.

Using your intuition to help guide you is definitely one of the best decisions you can make for yourself. And by trusting in the process of making intuitive decisions, you can navigate the complexities of life with a grace that seem almost effortless!

Brain Intuition

More Than Just a Feeling

Intuition is often referred to as our sixth sense, a mysterious and immediate apprehension that guides us toward better decisions without conscious reasoning. But what lies beneath this enigmatic concept? Let’s embark on a journey to understand the depths of intuition, drawing from our past experiences and tapping into the wealth of current research.

The Power of Gut Feelings

Gut feelings, those instinctual responses that arise seemingly out of nowhere, are the hallmark of intuition. Have you ever wondered why you feel a sudden urge to make a certain choice, even when it doesn’t seem rational? That’s your intuition at play, drawing upon your unconscious mind’s vast database of past experiences and tacit knowledge.

But it’s not just that. For me, over the years it’s been a loud voice and yes, I may sounds crazy for maying this but it’s like a person is getting into my brain to try and talk to me – my inner voice.

In Everyday Life

Intuition isn’t limited to monumental life decisions; it guides us in our daily routines as well. From choosing what to wear in the morning to deciding which route to take to work, our inner voice constantly provides us with insights. It’s the small but valuable moments of intuitive decision-making that collectively shape our lives.

First Impressions: A Window to the Soul

First impressions are a significant aspect of this. When we meet someone for the first time, our intuition often kicks in, allowing us to form initial judgments and gut instincts about them. It’s remarkable how our intuitive sense can pick up on subtle cues that conscious reasoning might overlook.

Intuitive Decision-Making: Balancing Rationality and Instinct

Intuitive decision-making is an art that involves integrating our gut instincts with conscious reasoning. Recent research in psychological science has highlighted the synergy between these two aspects of our minds. Albert Einstein famously said, “The intuitive mind is a sacred gift, and the rational mind is a faithful servant.” We now have scientific evidence supporting this perspective.

The Brain: A Dynamic Partnership

Let’s delve deeper into the neurological aspects of intuition. Recent research has shown that intuition is closely linked to the limbic system, the part of the brain responsible for emotions and instincts. This connection explains why our intuitive responses often feel like a visceral reaction.

Gut Intuition

Harnessing the Power!

As a single mother with a demanding corporate job, I’ve learned to harness the power of intuition to make better decisions in various aspects of my life. Here are some strategies to help you do the same:

  1. Meditation: As someone who enjoys meditating, you’re already on the right path. Meditation enhances conscious awareness and strengthens your intuitive sense.
  2. Reflect on Past Experiences: Your past experiences hold a treasure trove of wisdom. Reflecting on similar situations from your life can provide valuable insights into your current experiences.
  3. Trust Your Inner Voice: Your inner voice is your guiding light. Trust it and allow it to lead you toward making better decisions.
  4. Expand Your Conscious Awareness: Being fully present in the moment is crucial. The more aware you are of your surroundings and emotions, the more effectively your intuition can serve you.

Parenting: A Single Mother’s Perspective

As a single mother, I know how crucial intuition is in parenting. It’s that immediate apprehension that alerts us when something isn’t quite right with our children or when they need our attention. Our intuition helps us make better decisions for our kids, guiding us through the complex journey of parenthood.


For someone like me who enjoys adventuring when I can, intuition adds an exciting dimension to the experience. It guides me toward making safer and more enjoyable choices during my explorations. Whether it’s hiking in nature or trying out new activities, my gut instincts play a vital role in ensuring a memorable and safe adventure.

Your Guide to Finding Happiness

In my quest to live my best life, I’ve found that intuition is an invaluable tool. It’s not just about making decisions; it’s about aligning your choices with your innermost desires and values. Your intuition can lead you toward experiences that bring you genuine joy and fulfillment.

Cultivating it Over Time

Like any skill, intuition can be cultivated and honed over time. The more you trust and rely on it, the stronger and more accurate it becomes. It’s a journey of self-discovery and self-awareness that can lead to a richer and more meaningful life.

The Intersection of Intuition and Rationality

While intuition is a powerful tool, it’s essential to strike a balance with rational thinking. Both have their place in decision-making. Rationality provides a logical framework, while intuition adds a layer of insight and instinct. Together, they can lead to well-rounded and informed choices.

The Science Behind Human Intuition

Recent research in the field of psychological science has provided fascinating insights into human intuition. Scientists have been uncovering different ways in which our intuitive decision-making process functions, shedding light on its essential role in our lives.

The Second Brain: Unraveling the Mystery

Have you ever heard of the concept of the “second brain”? It refers to the intricate network of neurons and neurotransmitters in our gut that communicates with our central nervous system. Recent research suggests that this “second brain” plays a significant role in our intuitive decision-making process.

Intuition as a Life Philosophy

Incorporating intuition into your life philosophy can be transformative. It encourages you to trust yourself, embrace spontaneity, and explore new paths. It’s about living authentically and aligning your choices with your inner values and desires.

Embrace Your Instincts and Live Your Best Life

In conclusion, it’s not a mystical concept; it’s a fundamental aspect of human intuition that we can all tap into. By incorporating it into our decision-making process and being open to its wisdom, we can unlock a world of better choices and more fulfilling experiences. So go ahead, embrace your intuition, and let it lead you on the path to a happier, more enriching life.

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